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    Many companies have projects which struggle to deliver the benefits that are expected of them. On average a quarter of all major change programmes fail completely while around three quarters under deliver.

    We provide insightful, independent and informed advice to a broad spectrum of clients in order to reduce the risk of project failure and increase business value. We provide quality assurance through the entire life cycle of change, from project identification through to final delivery.

    We have experience across a broad range of projects and sectors, including:

    All our projects follow a simple but effective process as detailed below:

    • Agree precise specification for the project
    • Plan the project - time, team, activities, resources, financials
    • Communicate the project plan to the project team and to any other interested people and groups
    • Agree and delegate project actions
    • Manage and motivate - inform, encourage, enable the project team.
    • Check, measure, monitor, review project progress - adjust project plan if necessary and inform the project team and others
    • Complete project - review and report on project performance
    • Project follow-up – including training, support, measure and report results and benefits

    Want to find out more about SOCOTEC's Health and Safety services? Contact us

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