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    Partnering with EMS for Integrated Stack Emissions Offering

    Tue 19/08/2014 - 04:31

    ESG, the UK’s leading expert in testing and compliance, has announced a strategic partnership with Environmental Monitoring Solutions (EMS), providers of water and air monitoring, environmental consultancy and training.

    The new partnership will provide customers with an integrated Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) provider and calibration offering, allowing them a genuine alternative to other solutions in the market place. This combined maintenance and stack emissions testing offering, is set to offer clients a cost effective way of ensuring that their organisation maintains compliance with their environmental permit.

    ESG is a UKAS and MCERTS accredited testing and monitoring company, which has been providing its clients with a quality testing, monitoring and calibration service for over 20 years. Moreover, ESG’s stack emissions monitoring business is the largest established MCERTS accredited consultancy in the UK.

    By working closely with EMS, which offers market leading calibration technology in the UK, ESG will be able to offer its clients a complementary testing, monitoring and calibration service, along with equipment installation and servicing, combined to produce market-leading emissions customer service. The move, will allow clients to access a combined maintenance and stack testing offering throughout the UK.

    David Gough, operations director, Environmental Safety Compliance Division at ESG, said: “Partnering with EMS is a natural progression for ESG. We’ve long offered our customers market-leading testing monitoring and calibration services, but teaming up with EMS means that we can now complement our existing offer with innovative equipment, installation and service. The integrated maintenance and stack testing will allow clients to access a single solution through one point of contact, which will improve the convenience and efficiency of the stack emissions service.”

    To find out more about SOCOTEC’s stack emissions monitoring and testing you can visit http://www.socotec.co.uk/services/stack-emissions-monitoring-and-testing