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    Uncover asbestos risks before they unfold. Asbestos surveys, conducted by our asbestos experts, to identify and manage ACMs for your people's safety. 

    With your needs in mind, our UKAS accredited laboratories throughout the UK enable us to conduct comprehensive asbestos surveys that strictly follow the latest HSE guidelines. Our services encompass everything from asbestos bulk sampling to analysis, complying meticulously with ISO17020 standards and employing the methods outlined in HSG248 and HSG264.

    Asbestos surveying

    From property owners to construction managers, various industry experts have to confront challenges stemming from asbestos. These professionals face intricate regulatory compliance requirements, which can strain budgets and project schedules. Balancing safety measures while adhering to stringent guidelines becomes a paramount concern, significantly impacting projects. With possible delays and escalating costs upon the discovery of asbestos, it is crucial that the management of asbestos is handled with precision and adherence to minimise the impact.

    When is an asbestos survey needed?

    An asbestos survey is required in several scenarios to ensure safety and regulatory compliance. If your non-domestic property was constructed before 2000, a legal obligation demands an asbestos survey. This is due to the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. A survey is also needed when planning refurbishments, upgrades, or demolition, as these activities can disturb asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Additionally, if you suspect the presence of asbestos but have no existing information or the existing information is unreliable, a survey becomes necessary. It's crucial to remember that the type of survey needed can vary based on the specific circumstances.

    Talk to our experts

    James Dodgson

    Commercial Director, Asbestos Management, SOCOTEC UK

    Commercial Director, Asbestos Management, SOCOTEC UK


    Asbestos Management Survey  

    This is the standard asbestos survey that should be carried out for the continued management of asbestos in premises. The purpose of the asbestos survey is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of suspect ACMs in the building and assess their condition. Although sampling is the most common approach that has been used for surveys, an asbestos survey can also involve presuming the presence of asbestos.
    An asbestos survey can therefore be completed, using a combination of sampling ACMs and presuming ACMs. Any materials presumed to contain asbestos must also have their condition assessed (ie material assessment).
    Asbestos surveys may involve minor intrusive work and some disturbance. The extent of intrusion will vary between premises and depend on what is reasonably practicable for individual properties – agreement on this aspect of the survey should be reached between the client/dutyholder and the surveyor. Factors that can affect the extent of intrusion include the type of building, the nature of construction, accessibility etc.   

    *UKAS accredited inspection body No.0148

    Asbestos Surveys

    Asbestos Management Surveys

    A standard asbestos survey is a crucial step in ongoing asbestos management for your premises. Its purpose is to locate to the best extent possible, any suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in the building and evaluate their condition. While sampling is the conventional method used in these surveys, our approach can also involve presuming the presence of asbestos, ensuring a comprehensive assessment. The survey combines both sampling ACMs and presuming ACMs, with a focus on assessing the condition of materials suspected to contain asbestos.

    Let's talk
    Abestos Management Survey

    A standard asbestos survey is a crucial step in ongoing asbestos management for your premises. Its purpose is to locate to the best extent possible, any suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in the building and evaluate their condition. While sampling is the conventional method used in these surveys, our approach can also involve presuming the presence of asbestos, ensuring a comprehensive assessment. The survey combines both sampling ACMs and presuming ACMs, with a focus on assessing the condition of materials suspected to contain asbestos.

    How is an asbestos survey done?

    Throughout the process, we prioritise minimising intrusion, tailored to what is feasible and practical for your specific property. Factors such as building type, construction, and accessibility are considered to determine the level of intrusion, ensuring a customised approach that aligns with your needs. Rest assured, our UKAS accreditation (No.0148) underscores our commitment to delivering meticulous inspections and adhering to the highest industry standards.

    The Asbestos Management Survey utilises an organised and methodical approach to identify and assess the condition of any suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). The primary focus of this survey is the effective management of ACMs in a building during its normal use and occupancy. It involves:

    • Inspection of areas: All areas of the property, including rooms, corridors, stairs, basements, cellars, and underfloor coverings, are thoroughly inspected.
    • ACM identification: The survey aims to identify any ACMs that could be disturbed or damaged during normal occupancy.
    • Risk assessment: The condition of the identified ACMs is assessed and documented, forming an essential part of your asbestos management plan.
    • Register formation: The information collected is used to create an asbestos register, a key tool in managing asbestos in your premises.

    Does every building need an asbestos survey?

    It's important to understand that not all buildings will require an asbestos survey. The necessity for such a study is largely dependent on the age of the building and its use.

    Buildings constructed prior to 2000 are more likely to contain asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), thus necessitating a survey. This is due to the prevalent use of these materials in construction during the 20th century.

    Commercial buildings, in particular, are subject to legal mandates, as outlined in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. According to these regulations, the duty-holder, typically the building owner or employer, is required to manage the risk from asbestos by identifying and managing any ACMs.

    Residential properties, on the other hand, are not legally required to conduct asbestos surveys unless they are undergoing major refurbishments or demolitions. However, given the health risks associated with asbestos, many homeowners choose to conduct these surveys voluntarily.

    In addition, certain scenarios may necessitate an asbestos survey. For instance, if a local council orders a survey as part of legal compliance requirements, or if a property is set for refurbishment or demolition.

    Types of Asbestos Survey

    1. Management Survey

    Our Management Survey is the cornerstone of asbestos management in non-domestic properties. This survey is conducted to identify ACMs that could be encountered during normal occupancy and routine maintenance. Our expert surveyors meticulously assess the condition of identified ACMs, providing you with a comprehensive report and management plan.

    Key Features:

    • Thorough examination of accessible areas.
    • Identification and assessment of potential ACMs.
    • Clear recommendations for ongoing management and monitoring.

    2. Refurbishment and Demolition Survey (R&D Survey)

    Before any refurbishment or demolition work, our R&D Survey is essential to identify and manage ACMs that could be disturbed during the planned activities. This intrusive survey involves thorough sampling and analysis, ensuring the safety of workers and compliance with regulations.

    Key Features:

    • Full access to areas scheduled for refurbishment or demolition.
    • Extensive sampling and testing to locate ACMs.
    • Detailed recommendations for safe removal or management.

    3. Reinspection Survey

    Our Reinspection Survey is designed to monitor the condition of previously identified ACMs. Regular inspections allow us to assess any changes in condition and update your asbestos register accordingly. This proactive approach helps maintain compliance and ensure ongoing safety.

    Key Features:

    • Periodic assessments to monitor ACMs.
    • Updates to the asbestos register and management plan.
    • Recommendations for maintenance or removal based on condition changes.

    Asbestos Reporting

    Understanding the asbestos content in a building serves as a fundamental step towards maintaining a safe environment. The Asbestos Reporting process involves the generation of a detailed report post survey. This report is a key component of the [Asbestos Management Plan], outlining the location, amount, and the condition of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs).

    The report should include:

    • Surveyor’s name: The individual who conducted the asbestos survey.
    • Executive summary: An overview of the survey findings.
    • Location of ACMs: Precise locations of asbestos within the building.
    • Type of asbestos: Classification of the asbestos found.
    • Condition of ACMs: An assessment of the current state of the asbestos materials.


    The report will act as a live document, updated with current information on the presence and condition of ACMs. Its accessibility and clarity are essential to ensure effective asbestos management.

    asbestos assurance

    Asbestos Surveys

    Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys

    A refurbishment and demolition survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work will take place or in the whole building if demolition is planned. The survey will involve destructive inspection as necessary, to gain access to all locations, including those that may be difficult to reach. Refurbishment work may vary from relatively small to large projects. Small scale work may occur in different parts of a building at different times over several years. A full asbestos sampling program is undertaken in these areas to identify possible ACMs and to obtain estimates of the volume and surface area of the ACMs present.


    The refurbishment and demolition survey is primarily designed to identify ACMs so that they can be removed in preparation for the refurbishment or demolition. It is possible to use the two survey types in different parts of a building, particularly where refurbishment work is in a limited area. Due to the intrusive nature of refurbishment and demolition surveys, it is recommended that the areas affected are not occupied at the time of the asbestos survey taking place. 


    Refurbishment and demolition surveys are detailed and intrusive, intended for buildings that are set to undergo major refurbishments or complete demolitions. They aim to locate and describe all asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) within the area or the entire structure, if necessary. This involves destructive inspection methodologies, potentially disturbing asbestos, hence the area should be vacated during the survey.

    These surveys are essential for:

    • Ensuring the safety of workers involved in refurbishment or demolition activities
    • Preventing the uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres into the environment
    • Compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, requiring all ACMs to be removed as far as reasonably practicable before major refurbishment or final demolition.
    Let's talk

    A refurbishment and demolition survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work will take place or in the whole building if demolition is planned. The survey will involve destructive inspection as necessary, to gain access to all locations, including those that may be difficult to reach. Refurbishment work may vary from relatively small to large projects. Small scale work may occur in different parts of a building at different times over several years. A full asbestos sampling program is undertaken in these areas to identify possible ACMs and to obtain estimates of the volume and surface area of the ACMs present.


    The refurbishment and demolition survey is primarily designed to identify ACMs so that they can be removed in preparation for the refurbishment or demolition. It is possible to use the two survey types in different parts of a building, particularly where refurbishment work is in a limited area. Due to the intrusive nature of refurbishment and demolition surveys, it is recommended that the areas affected are not occupied at the time of the asbestos survey taking place. 


    Refurbishment and demolition surveys are detailed and intrusive, intended for buildings that are set to undergo major refurbishments or complete demolitions. They aim to locate and describe all asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) within the area or the entire structure, if necessary. This involves destructive inspection methodologies, potentially disturbing asbestos, hence the area should be vacated during the survey.

    These surveys are essential for:

    • Ensuring the safety of workers involved in refurbishment or demolition activities
    • Preventing the uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres into the environment
    • Compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, requiring all ACMs to be removed as far as reasonably practicable before major refurbishment or final demolition.

    Asbestos management

    Asbestos Statutory Re-inspections

    Our qualified surveyors, specialised in asbestos surveys, will perform a thorough visual inspection and assessment of the asbestos-containing materials identified in the asbestos register in accordance with ACoP L143.


    There is a requirement for Duty Holders to arrange for asbestos materials to be re-inspected at regular intervals. Risk changes are recorded, and the management plan updated, while recommendations for new control measures are given where required. 


    Asbestos statutory re-inspections are essential in maintaining safety and compliance with legal requirements. These re-inspections involve systematically revisiting previously identified asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) to monitor their condition. Should any changes be noted, further actions may be necessary, including updating the risk register and possibly conducting remedial work.


    These inspections are typically carried out by competent asbestos surveyors at regular intervals, ensuring the ongoing management of asbestos. This monitoring process is critical in preventing the release of dangerous asbestos fibres due to deterioration or disturbance of the ACMs. Depending on the situation, re-inspections may need to be performed every 6-12 months, with the frequency dictated by the type, extent, condition, and location of the asbestos.


    As part of our re-inspection services, we also review your asbestos management plan, ensuring it remains up-to-date and effective.

    Let's Talk
    Asbestos management

    Our qualified surveyors, specialised in asbestos surveys, will perform a thorough visual inspection and assessment of the asbestos-containing materials identified in the asbestos register in accordance with ACoP L143.


    There is a requirement for Duty Holders to arrange for asbestos materials to be re-inspected at regular intervals. Risk changes are recorded, and the management plan updated, while recommendations for new control measures are given where required. 


    Asbestos statutory re-inspections are essential in maintaining safety and compliance with legal requirements. These re-inspections involve systematically revisiting previously identified asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) to monitor their condition. Should any changes be noted, further actions may be necessary, including updating the risk register and possibly conducting remedial work.


    These inspections are typically carried out by competent asbestos surveyors at regular intervals, ensuring the ongoing management of asbestos. This monitoring process is critical in preventing the release of dangerous asbestos fibres due to deterioration or disturbance of the ACMs. Depending on the situation, re-inspections may need to be performed every 6-12 months, with the frequency dictated by the type, extent, condition, and location of the asbestos.


    As part of our re-inspection services, we also review your asbestos management plan, ensuring it remains up-to-date and effective.

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    Asbestos Uncovered answers the questions we receive most frequently about asbestos to help keep you and your buildings compliant. Whether you require an asbestos surveyor for management surveys, demolition surveys, or re-inspections, our team is dedicated to ensuring safety and compliance for your building projects.

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    Let's talk

    Talk to our experts

    James Dodgson

    Commercial Director, Asbestos Management, SOCOTEC UK

    Commercial Director, Asbestos Management, SOCOTEC UK
