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    Fri 29/04/2016 - 01:16

    Are you ready for WM2? From January 2014, disposal of waste contaminated with oils must comply with the Environment Agency’s revised WM2 guidance document, ‘Interpretation of the definition and classification of Hazardous Waste’.

    WM2 encompasses a number of changes, including threshold values for Benzo(a)pyrene and it replaces HWR08/SWAN04.

    How can you comply with WM2?

    SOCOTEC can help you comply with the regulations by offering you the following services:

    • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analysis
    • (C6-C40) and Interpretation
    • We can help you classify and assess your waste by using our extensive TPH chromatogram library to specifically identify diesel, weathered diesel, petrol, etc.
    • Analysis of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
    • We can help you assess whether key compounds are over the threshold values such as Benzo(a)pyrene
    • Analysis of a broad range of contaminants based on site history
    • We can recommend a range of analysis to meet your needs and we can offer free technical visits to discuss WM2

    Want to find out more? Contact us

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