A member of SOCOTEC’s Ground Investigation team delivered a presentation and organised engaging activities for year six students at Hawarden Village Church School.
The aim of the visit was to inspire the students into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) roles in the future.
Darren Makin (Geo-environmental lead, based at SOCOTEC’s Deeside Office) delivered a presentation using play dough to create examples of local rock formations. The students then used straws to ‘drill boreholes’ and were tasked with matching the drilled cores with the correct rock formation. Darren also gave the students a sample core which they found interesting. The presentation was well received, which lead to the students asking lots of interesting questions.
“Well done Darren on your dedication to educating students on STEM roles,” said Clare Chapman, operations director, Ground Investigation. “You have done a brilliant job with the discussion and it was fantastic to see you have received such a good feedback”.
“One of the boys were so inspired by the discussion that he personally thanked me at the end of the session,” said Darren. “He thanked me for visiting the school and showed his interest in my role and the science involved in my day-to-day role – that on its own was what the visit was all about”.