SOCOTEC UK acknowledges its contribution, as a consumer of resources, to the growing global environmental burden and recognises its responsibility to future generations by undertaking business practices that promote sustainable development.
We shall earn the confidence of employees, customers and the general public by demonstrating our commitment to comply with relevant environmental legislation and minimise pollution, resource use and waste though the continual improvement of performance in all areas of the company.
Socotec UK also:
- Recognise its duty to source materials from suppliers who are associated with well managed forests and to reduce, wherever possible, the impact of its operations upon the local environment.
- Make strenuous efforts to meet and, where possible, exceed the principles of purchasing materials from sustainable source.
- Accept that verification by one of the accredited, independent certification contractors is a preferred means of providing that timber goods actually possess the environmentally friendly attributes claimed for them.
- Commit itself to predominantly using only companies who support FSC, Forests Forever and TTF certification to ensure that an increasing proportion of its timber products can be independently verified as coming from well managed forests.
- Not source any timber species prohibited under Appendix 1 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
- Use every endeavour to ensure SOCOTEC UK is complying with current legislation and good practice and that our staff is suitably trained and take all reasonable care to comply with the Company’s Environmental Policy.
- Insist that all suppliers must be able to provide evidence to SOCOTEC UK that the wood or wood products they supply are from legal and sustainable sources. SOCOTEC UK has identified two types of evidence that will demonstrate the legality and sustainability of timber and timber products:
- - Type 1 evidence is independent certification of the timber and timber products by any of the forest certification schemes that meet the policy requirements and evidence these have been procured with a complete chain of custody for SOCOTEC UK’s use. FSC is by far the most robust, but others that may be considered are: Sustainable Forestry Initiative SFI, Canadian Standards Association scheme CSA and PEFC.
- - Type 2 evidence is alternative documentary evidence that provides assurance that the source is legal and sustainable.
The Company will communicate the Environmental Policy to all company employees and it will be freely available to customers and the general public.
All Directors, Managers, Supervisors and Foremen will enforce this policy. The COO is personally responsible for the environmental performance of the Company
David Gough
COO and Director Responsible for Health & Safety
Download the Sustainable Timber Policy Statement as a PDF here