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    Health & Safety Policy Statement

    In all areas of its business, SOCOTEC UK is fully committed to minimising the risk of injury or ill health to people and damage to property or the environment.

    SOCOTEC UK is the UK’s leading Environmental Compliance Company offering inspection, testing, investigation and advice to customers through an unrivalled range of technical expertise and accredited services. SOCOTEC UK is committed to minimising the risk of injury or ill health and fully accepts its moral and legal obligations to safeguard, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of its employees and all others affected by its actions.

    The company will set standards to comply with the relevant statutory requirements relating to health, safety and welfare with regard to the effect on employees, contractors, visitors and the public.

    To achieve this SOCOTEC UK:

    • Will Establish, Implement and Maintain a Safety Management System (SMS) to meet the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.

    • Will establish measurable Health & Safety objectives and targets. These will be monitored and reviewed to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy.

    • Will promote a positive health and safety culture within the organisation, in particular consulting and openly communicating with employees on health and safety matters, both through nominated representatives of employee safety and directly.

    • Will provide and maintain safe working environments that eliminate hazards where possible and minimise the risks to health, safety and welfare.

    • Will provide all employees adequate information, instruction, training and supervision so they can understand their roles within the company.

    • Meet its responsibilities as an employer to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to health.

    • Will periodically review the Health & Safety Management System and its effectiveness to ensure it is the most appropriate for its operations and meets all relevant legal and other requirements.

    • Will safeguard employees and others from foreseeable hazards connected with its work activities, processes and working systems and ensure a safe place of work.

    • Ensure adequate guidance, instruction, training and supervision are provided for safe methods of work to be developed when new substances, plant, machinery, equipment, processes or as new premises are introduced.

    • Plant and equipment is maintained in a safe condition and is subject to routine and statutory inspections and examinations;

    • Will ensure all contractors are competent to undertake works appointed on behalf of SOCOTEC.

    The company will communicate the health and safety policy to all employees and it will be freely available to customers and the general public. The Health and Safety Management System will be reviewed and updated at least annually or as required where there have been changes to legislation or significant changes to the company or its activities.

    The company is committed to continual improvement in safety performance and ensuring that the delivery of the health and safety management system is adequately resourced to enable the full implementation of this policy and is maintained to accreditation standard ISO 45001:2018. This commitment includes the provision of sufficient resources, management and employee time, as well as training and health and safety advisory support.

    This policy, supported by instructions, procedures and organisational arrangements will be applied to all activities carried out by the company.

    David Gough

    COO and Director Responsible for Health & Safety


    Download the Health and Safety Policy as a PDF